Calendar Analytics with Power BI

Some time ago I wondered. How good am I at scheduling and accepting meetings into the future compared to more ad-hoc? Essentially how good am I of planning my own time. Being in control. My evening was saved! The result was this Power BI Report! It shows the amount...

Switching currency in Power BI

In one of my recent Power BI projects I stumbled upon the need to switch currencies between SEK and EUR. The company mainly looks at SEK, as their head quarters are in Sweden but it is a global company and many times the number crunchers that dive into the...

The Kaggeholm Event PowerApp

At Altitude 365, we recently held a week long kick off at Kaggeholm outside of Stockholm. This was quite possibly the best thing ever! Instead of having all our conference sessions cramped into a few hours, we had plenty of time to reflect and really work things through. For...

Cross reference with Excel

Now and then, I get questioned about how to make cross references in Excel. Let’s say you have 2 lists and there are common values in both. You want to find for example usernames that exists in both lists. This post will explain how you achieve it using Xlookup....

Simple way to move your Excel tasks into Planner

During Teamsdagen this year I got the great honor of speaking about the PowerPlatform and Ive already made a blogpost about the give away of my session, the FileAnalytics report i Power BI and it’s not time for a blog post about the Flow in Power Automate that I...

FileAnalytics for a Team in Power BI

If you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to read the post, here’s a link to download FileAnalytics. The problem In Microsoft Teams you’re using SharePoint Online as file storage to your Teams the same way as G: is used on prem. This when migrating to Teams, you...

Enhancing the Area-trigger in Flow

At the time of writing this post, there’s a preview trigger in Power Automate for when you enter or leave an area. For this trigger to work, you need to install the Power Automate app in your mobile phone and also allow it to always track your location.Power Automate...

Images in PowerApps using SharePoint list

Back story I’ve been struggling to create this PowerApp where you can add stuff you want to trade or just give away since there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to make use of pictures. I’ve read some bloggposts about the matter but in the end, me and...

Simple detailed agenda in Excel

I’ve been doing some detailed agendas over the past weeks for events and workshops and so I obviously made an Excel file to help me out. Figured I’d share it with whoever might have use for it. How to use it? This is what is looks like at a...

Spread the word!

I created this blog post about how to automate frequent tips in Microsoft Teams to your champions using a flow in PowerAutomate as well as a SharePoint list. In one of my customers Champions teams where this solution is running, a user asked how he could spread these...